High profile teenage track and field athletes Jehue Gordon and Quincy Wilson stole the show on the fourth day of the Olympic Youth Camp(OYC) . Campers were pleasantly surprised when the two popular junior gold medalists and national champions visited the OYC north location at the Hasely Crawford stadium and shared their experiences and words of inspiration.
Gordon who shocked the track and field world at last year's IAAF senior world track and field championships when he placed fourth in the 400m high hurdles urged campers to work hard and sacrifice the parties and mall limes. He also shared his objectives and some of the difficult choices he has had to make.
Wilson, a former Olympic youth camper and facilitator, spoke of goals that he set for himself, and his record breaking achievements. He also shared the positive benefits and lessons he had gained as an Olympic Youth Camp participant. To the delight of the campers both athletes agreed to the numerous requests for autographs and pictures.
Gordon who shocked the track and field world at last year's IAAF senior world track and field championships when he placed fourth in the 400m high hurdles urged campers to work hard and sacrifice the parties and mall limes. He also shared his objectives and some of the difficult choices he has had to make.
Wilson, a former Olympic youth camper and facilitator, spoke of goals that he set for himself, and his record breaking achievements. He also shared the positive benefits and lessons he had gained as an Olympic Youth Camp participant. To the delight of the campers both athletes agreed to the numerous requests for autographs and pictures.
The theme for the day was Non-discrimination. Once again the campers began the day with core training led by Larry Mendez from the Trinidad and Tobago Rugby Football .One of the new exercises campers had to do today was the “scorpion”. This proved to be very challenging as campers had to remain in a push-up position , while bringing their feet as close to their hands as possible. The next session commenced with brief thoughts on the theme of the day Non-discrimination. This was well led by facilitators who gave examples of discrimination and non discrimination so as to clearly distinguish between the two.
A very inspiring and informative session on “sport and different abilities” was then led by Desiree Wilson. This included a video on athletes who have different physical abilities. This was clearly explained by para athlete Shannon Ottley who spoke of her successes as an athlete and the challenges she faced as as a differently able teenager. Her fellow campers listened attentively while she spoke. The next session on Youth Sport and the Community which was led by Sandy Siewdass. A 2003 Olympic Youth Camp graduate,Siewdass spoke about the ground-breaking Shape the Community programme started by the T&T Olympic Committee in Point Fortin. She informed campers that the Olympic Committee is aiming to provide sport in more communities. In addition she spoke of the golf programme to be started in Trincity for children aged seven to twelve. Motivational flyers entitled “don’t ever give up” were distributed to campers.
The art and crafts session - Creative Concepts was led by Mrs Jackie "Auntie Jackie" Western. The campers learnt to make a picture frame using pallet sticks. When completed the picture frame was painted and drawings inserted. Drawings included pictures of boxers’ gloves, hockey, and other sports. The essence of creativity and innovation was exhibited by the campers. This was a very rewarding and enriching exercise for all. Aunty Jackie was very enthusiastic and patient with the campers. Throughout the session she kept motivating the campers especially those who did not feel they creative talent. She insisted “can’t is not a word, do not say it!”.
Mrs Western's popular session was followed by the mental fitness and sport psychology session- Think It, Believe It -conducted by TTOC vice-president Dr. Ian Hypolite. One of the country's leading psychiatrists and Medical Chief of Staff,St Ann's Hospital . Dr Hypolite gave an insight on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors as key elements in goal achievement. Campers were asked to identify their peak performance.Dr. Hypolite stressed that identifying peak performance is a clear indicator in terms of understanding what makes you tick.
The day ended with Desiree Wilson sharing information on the Commonwealth Games and the Commonwealth Games Art Competition that has just been launched by the TTOC. Campers were encouraged to submit entries for the competition. TTOC Youth Olympic Games(YOG),Singapore 2010 ,Young Ambassador,Kwanieze John was in attendance. Ms John who returned to T&T the day before from Olympia ,Greece where she attended the Young Participant Session will play an active part during the remainder of the camp. Her responsibilities include raising awareness about the inaugural Youth Olympic Games.