
The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC) does not consider the High court ruling in its favour a cause for celebration but rather an opportunity for reflection.

Mr Takoor Sankar, a shooter, exercised his constitutional right as a citizen of T&T to seek a hearing before the High Court challenging the Pan American games selection decision.

While the TTOC and IOC constitutions are clear and unambiguous (1)as to the TTOC's autonomy in regard to selecting its teams for games and (2)the process for dispute resolution. The TTOC respected Mr.Sankar's decision.

The TTOC therefore had no reservation in subjecting its selection process to the scrutiny of the Judicial system.No organization should be above the rule of law. Accordingly the TTOC remained confident that it acted in a reasonable ,rational ,impartial and transparent manner and in accord with its own constitution and of the International Olympic Committee(IOC), Pan American Sport Organization(PASO)and TTOC. Additionally the communication and information received from the Rio 2007 Organizing Committee also guided the TTOC in its selection deliberations.

It is important however that the lessons learned from this situation be taken on board.In this regard the TTOC is encouraged by the TRA's expressed intention to improve its scoring system.

The Pan American games administrative preparations began in October 2006. At the first meeting the TTOC held (October 2006)with Affiliates the Pan American games technical manual was distributed to all in attendance including the TRA representative.

The technical manual outlined the selection process established by the RIO 2007 Organizing Committee in collaboration with the International and regional federation for shooting.The TTOC's expectation is that the respective affiliates would inform their athletes and coaches. The court documents as filed by Mr.Sankar indicated that information on the selection process as outlined in the technical manual was not passed on to Mr.Sankar.

Following the end of the court matter on Wednesday 4 July.Both the TTOC President Larry Romany and Secretary General Brian Lewis spoke with Mr.Sankar in the presence of his coach Mr Brent Thomas and assured the athlete that once he complies with all the TTOC disbursement requirements he will continue to receive assistance from the NOC in particular in his efforts to qualify for the Beijing Olympics.