When the T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC) announced the London 2012 Olympic team comprised of 31 athletes all under the ages of 35. Some people expressed the view that the TTOC is carrying too many athletes, who have no chance of winning a medal. The government announced a Hoop for Life basketball initiative that has come in for strenuous criticism from many quarters. Then there was also the announcement of San Juan Jaboleth’s withdrawal from the Digicel TT Pro League. How do we stem the flow of blood and the shadow of death among urban youth? Theory, laudable ideas and ideals aside, what are we doing right now? Right this moment to make a positive difference? How many people really care about the young men who earn an honest living playing football in the Pro League?

It’s easy when you have food to eat, a car to drive and a nice house to pontificate and have academic debates. Nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room. Can you feel the hopelessness, despair and frustration? Can you hear it and smell it? Listen to it. Experience it. Instead of branding them no hopers, encourage them with talk, but more importantly, provide them with the tangible support. Of course there are those who are determined to die by a bullet or to cause death by a bullet. But they are in the minority. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the demographic reality of life in T&T.
Why is academics and getting a degree the only way to a better life? We can’t all be doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, engineers etc. Haven’t we been given different talents and intelligences? How many more victims of a flawed education system must we add up before we stop talking and pontificating about the symptoms.

What’s the alternative? Get a degree you say, find a proper day job? We have an education system that is churning out such a high failure rate at primary school that there are students who come through the system and can’t read or write? Who do we look to for the solutions? Those who steal from the treasury? Can those who thrive on paying minimum wage and lower provide the answers? What about the patriots who take money earned and move it off shore? Can they provide the investment and support that is needed? Many more will die as long as the constructive and positive effort of sport is marginalised. Sport matters. Sport is a universal language for the youth of our nation. The problems facing our youth and urban youth in particular transcend party politics, race, religion and class. No life is expendable, no life is worthless. Sport can make a difference.

Hoop for Life, the T&T Pro League or the T&T Olympic team—whatever name or brand you call it. If one life is saved, it’s worth it. How many more must die before we accept that how we have been thinking and what we have been doing have failed those, who need our help the most. Sport is an investment not an expense item. Sport is an engine of opportunity. There is no limit to what faith and hard work can achieve when young men and women are free to follow their dreams. There will always be dissenters, discouragers and naysayers who will predict that “it will be a cold day in hell” before success is achieved. Through sport young people can be empowered to do something they are really gifted at, really love and enjoy doing each day.
Through sport young people can receive the message that victory is in their future, if they aim high and never give up hope.

-Brian Lewis

Source: www.guardian.co.tt