Tonya Nero is pleased with her progress.

Nero completed her second marathon on Sunday, the 23-year-old Trinidad and Tobago distance runner finishing 21st in the women's race at the ABN AMRO Marathon Rotterdam, in Holland. She returned a time of two hours, 43 minutes, 14 seconds–a new national record.

The clocking was more than 20 minutes faster than the 3:04:09 run she produced last December in the MetroPCS Dallas White Rock Marathon, her first ever 26.2-mile race.

On Sunday, Nero came painstakingly close to achieving the Olympic B qualifying standard of 2:43:00.

"I am satisfied," the multiple national record holder told the Express, following her Rotterdam run, "and although I feel a bit disappointed about missing the Olympic standard, I understand that I did not make it for a reason – everything happens in God's timing.

"I am still inexperienced with marathons, but I feel happy to see that I ran hard, gave it my best, and made some improvements.

"It was cold," she continued, "cloudy and a bit windy, but not too bad for a marathon day.

"I am not sure about my next marathon date, but I would like to do another one close to the end of the year."

Nero, who returned home earlier this year after completing her studies at Wichita State University in Kansas, USA, said she is excited about her future in athletics.

That future is not likely to include a bid for Olympic qualification in the 10,000 metres. The B qualifying standard is 32 minutes, 10 seconds, while Nero's personal best in the event is the 33:11.71 national record run she produced on March 25, last year, in California, USA.

"I don't plan on it. It's a minute away from my personal record, so I might need more time than a couple of months to work towards that goal."

-Kwame Laurence
