Wanniarachchi hearing delayed
CGF Official statement, January 18, 2011

The hearing of the matter involving Sri Lankan boxer Mr. Manju Wanniarachchi by the CGF’s Federation Court has been postponed at the request of the athlete and his legal team.
Mr Wanniarachchi, who won the Gold Medal in the 56kg weight division in Delhi, returned an adverse analytical finding from an anti-doping test conducted during last October’s Commonwealth Games.
His hearing had been set for January 17th in Kingston, Jamaica. However, an illness precluded Mr Wanniarachchi’s legal representative from attending the Court in Jamaica.
CGF President Michael Fennell said the decision to delay the hearing had not been taken lightly and the arrangements with all parties concerned had been made for the matter to be heard on January 17th.
“However, under the rules of the CGF’s Anti-Doping Standard (ADS) and the WADA code, all athletes are entitled to legal representation at their hearing and consequently the late application for a postponement was agreed.
“While the delay is regrettable, it is unavoidable given the circumstances.”
The Court will now sit in May in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.