It’s Steelpan (pan) Month from August 1 to 31, and it’s no secret that pan had its share of licks, but it has matured and purified to great extents.
It’s Steelpan (pan) Month from August 1 to 31, and it’s no secret that pan had its share of licks, but it has matured and purified to great extents.
Notwithstanding, that yet again what happened in 2021 and some other years, our special day, CANOC DAY falls this time in the middle of the cauldron of the Birmingham 2022 Games.
…Emancipation Village comes alive this weekend.
TRINIDAD and Tobago’s recently crowned 2008 Olympic men’s 4x100m relay gold medallists received a whopping US$40,000 from the TT Olympic Committee (TTOC) as part of its medal bonus incentive offered to athletes who achieve podium status.
TTOC gives bonus to relay men, other athletes.