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Trinbago 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games




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MELBOURNE'S Commonwealth Games will go down in history as one of the cleanest major competitions .

1100 tests were carried out in the build-up, and during the Games, only three positive tests were returned. according to the Games federation's medical commission .

The three violations were returned from two Indian weightlifters with one of the lifters testing positive twice to anabolic steroids within days.

Edwin Raju and Tejinder Singh face lifetime bans from the sport while the entire Indian weightlifting federation has been suspended indefinitely. The lifters returned positive samples to stanozolol.

It's the same banned substance with which disgraced sprinter Ben Johnson returned a positive test at the Seoul Olympics almost two decades ago.

The Games federation says the drug testing process was the most robust program undertaken at a Commonwealth Games.

But the federation is certain to change aspects of the drug testing procedure because of the lengthy time it has taken for tests to be returned and made public.

It's likely an athlete who tests positive at future Games will be named following their A sample.

In Melbourne, the Games federation couldn't make any public statements on athletes who had tested positive until testing of the B sample was completed.

Already demands are been placed on Delhi's organising committee to get its drug testing procedures in order for the 2010 Games.

The Games federation is seriously concerned with the lack of drug testing resources in India and has called on Delhi organisers to build a drug laboratory before 2010.


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC) extends congratulations to the Trinidad and Tobago Track and field team on their excellent and courageous performances at the recently concluded 35Th Junior Carifta Games held in Guadeloupe.

The success of the young athletes augurs well for the future and with the necessary nurturing and support many of these athletes will develop into world class Olympians said TTOC President Larry Romany.

In addition to their record medal haul at the games. T&Ts Gavyn Nero who in winning three Gold medals established two Carifta records and three National records came away with the Austin Sealy trophy as the most outstanding athlete.

Romany noted that certain sport science indicators in the talent identification process can highlight potential.

"I recall when Gavyn Nero was eleven years old he did a Beep test and scored level 13.That caught my attention .Mind you at that time he was not seriously into track and field but playing rugby.But those test results at that age suggested a genetic predisposition to superior athletic endeavors in any sport".

The TTOC head is confident that the NGC sponsored country wide track and field programme the brainchild of 1976 Olympic 100 m gold medalist Hasely Crawford is an excellent initiative that will provide the framework for T&T track to seriously challenge Jamaica and Bahamas by 2012 .


The Pre-Qualifying Event of the North/Central America & Caribbean region of the Junior Davis Cup & Junior Fed Cup by BNP Paribas took place from 27 March to 1 April in Guatemala.

Puerto Rico boys’ team and Trinidad & Tobago girls’ team won the North/Central America & Caribbean pre-qualifying event for the Junior Davis Cup & Junior Fed Cup by BNP Paribas in Guatemala on 27 March – 1 April.

The two 16&under teams advance to the North/Central America & Caribbean final qualifying event, which will be held in Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico on 4-7 May. There they will compete against team from Canada, Mexico and USA for the region’s two available spots at the Junior Davis Cup & Junior Fed Cup by BNP Paribas Finals to be held on 26 September-1 October in Barcelona, Spain.

14 boys teams and 13 girls team represented the 14 participating nations.

The Trinidad and Tobago Girl's team comprised Olivia Bennett,Yolande Leacock and Shenelle Mohammed.

TTOC President Larry Romany commenting on the qualification of the girl's tennis team for the North/Central American and Caribbean Junior Fed Cup final qualifying event in Mexico said that it is an encouraging development for the sport of tennis in particular female participation.

"The team has done well to advance . I congratulate them.Continued hard work and a passion for the game will in the long run bear fruit.USA,Canada and Mexico will be tough opponents .Mental toughness and self-belief will be required".

Romany noted that young athletes in a number of sports have been performing with distinction and this is noteworthy as it highlights the positive aspect of the youth of the nation.


Kelly Ann Baptiste became T&T’s fastest woman ever over 100 metres yesterday, when she clinched the college women’s 100m title at the Penn Relays in Philadelphia, USA.

The Louisiana State University speedster hit the tape in 11.10 seconds, erasing the national record set by Fana Ashby in 2004 (11.12). The mark also saw the lass from Tobago equalling the meet record.

Texas’ Marshevet Hooker was second in 13.07, followed by Baptiste’s team-mate Brooklyn Morris (11.40).

Last week, Baptiste came close to making the national 200m record her own, when she won the half-lap at the Alumni Gold meet in Louisiana in 22.76. A 2.1 metres per second tailwind made her clocking illegal, however.

Josanne Lucas, the T&T 100m hurdles record holder, continued her fine run of form in Philadelphia, bagging gold in the college women’s century hurdles final.

The Auburn University representative posted a 13.02 secs finish, with Melanie Walker of the University of Texas and South Carolina’s Ronnetta Alexander coming second (13.07) and third (13.22), respectively.


Maravilla Room, Chaconia Inn, Maraval.


1. Opening Remarks - Brian Lewis (Secretary-General)

2. Performance Evaluation Process - Larry Romany (President)

3.a) Ranking of Games in the Quadrennial
b) Selection Criteria - TTOC's perspective
c) Structure - Athlete Preparation - Coaching, Fitness Training,Competition.

4. Paul Newallo - Director of Physical Education and Sport - Performance Expectations - Ministry of Sport Perspective.

5. Affiliate Feedback

Commonwealth Games- Melbourne 2006
a) Identification of Specific Performance Expectations

b) Identification of Performance Issues
e.g. i) Meeting athletes' expectations
ii) Preparation
iii) level of competitions
iv) athlete readiness.

c) Evaluation of preparation - Coaching readiness

re:Developmental - Programmes.

Selection and Timing.

12:30 - 1:15 - Lunch

1:15 - 2:00pm - Priority Action Plan

a) Short Term - CAC 2006

b) Rio 2007 - PAN AM

c) Beijing Qualification


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC) will host a Commonwealth Games evaluation and post mortem today at the Chaconia Inn,Maraval starting at 10am.

The whole day session will be chaired by TTOC President Larry Romany.The Eleven sporting bodies represented at the 18Th Commonwealth Games recently held in Melbourne,Australia will be represented along with The Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs.

The objective according to TTOC Officials is to review all aspects of this country's participation.

The BHP Billiton sponsored and Adidas outfitted T&T Commonwealth Games team won three medals in Melbourne.

"As we look ahead to the 2010 New Delhi Commonwealth Games.We have to learn from 2006.I want a candid and honest evaluation at what went right and what went wrong.With CAC ,PAN AM and Beijing Games upcoming improvement is an imperative ".said the TTOC President.

Romany stressed that the process is intended to be constructive and solution oriented and not a gripe or blame game."It is about the ongoing quest for excellence."


Saturday 17th June, 2006 – King George V Park - 4:00 p.m.

Overall Results

DIV 5 1 224 PENAL JUNIOR SECM M 14:27.1 1/2
DIV 1 2 225 LEAD PACK M 14:27.3 1/1
DIV 7 3 223 T & T BADMINTON ASSOC I M 14:52.9 1/12
DIV 7 4 201 KARATE UNION M 15:49.2 2/12
DIV 7 5 236 T&T TENNIS ASSOCIATION M 16:19.0 3/12
DIV 7 6 229 T&T SQUASH ASSOC A M 16:26.3 4/12
DIV 7 7 222 T&T BADMINTON ASSOC H M 16:40.1 5/12
DIV 9 8 219 T&T ROAD RUNNERS CLUB B C 16:46.9 1/2
DIV 7 9 227 T&T TAEKAWONDO ASSOC A M 17:01.3 6/12
DIV 2 10 217 T&T ROAD RUNNERS CLUB E F 17:31.2 1/3
DIV 9 11 218 T&T ROAD RUNNERS CLUB A C 17:32.7 2/2
DIV 7 12 235 T&T RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION D M 17:42.6 7/12
DIV 7 13 232 T&T SQUASH ASSOC D M 17:45.8 8/12
DIV 5 14 203 MANZANILLA HIGH SCHOOL B M 18:58.9 2/2
DIV 8 15 239 T&T HOCKEY BOARD F 19:00.2 1/14
DIV 7 16 226 T&T TARGET ARCHERY FED M 19:28.7 9/12
DIV 8 17 214 T&T NETBALL ASSOCIATION A F 19:38.0 2/14
DIV 8 18 205 T&T RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION A F 20:01.8 3/14
DIV 2 19 238 NESTLE'S JOGGERS CLUB B F 20:38.4 2/3
DIV 7 20 237 T&T TRIATHLON ASSOCIATION M 21:05.9 10/12
DIV 8 21 241 T&T TENNIS ASSOC. A F 21:11.3 4/14
DIV 8 22 206 T&T RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION B F 21:41.3 5/14
DIV 8 23 231 T&T SQUASH ASOC C F 22:19.6 6/14
DIV 7 24 212 T&T BADMINTON ASSOCIATION E M 22:32.4 11/12
DIV 8 25 221 T&T BADMINTON ASSOC G F 22:34.2 7/14
DIV 2 26 234 NESTLE'S JOGGERS CLUB A F 23:27.9 3/3
DIV 8 27 207 T&T RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION C F 23:39.1 8/14
DIV 8 28 213 T&T BADMINTON ASSOCIATION F F 23:45.0 9/14
DIV 6 29 202 MANZANILLA HIGH SCHOOL A F 23:59.5 1/1
DIV 8 0 209 T&T BADMINTON ASSOCIATION B F 24:22.5 10/14
DIV 7 31 233 T&T SQUASH ASSOC E M 25:13.8 12/12
DIV 8 32 230 T&T SQUASH ASSOC A F 25:38.0 11/14
DIV 8 33 228 T&T TAEKWANDO ASSOC B F 25:54.8 12/14
DIV 8 34 240 T&T TAEKWANDO ASSOC. C F 27:47.4 13/14
DIV 8 35 208 T&T BADMINTON ASSOCIATION A F 31:29.4 14/14



Athletes Officials
1. Hasmath Ali 1. Peter Quesnel
2. Anthony Banfield

3. Colvin Chin

4. Noella Chin

5. Selwyn Jagesar

6. Jonathan Kacal

7. Keith Nagassar

8. Edward Ramesar

9. George Vire


Athletes Officials
1. Marcus Duncan 1. Dexter Voisin - Manager
2. Niconner Alexander 2. David Cumberbatch - Masseur
3. Aaron Armstrong 3. Gunness Persad - Coach
4. Kevon Pierre

5. Ato Modibo

6. Damion Barry

7. Sherridan Kirk

8. Jamaal James

9. Denzil Ramirez

10. Le Juan Simon

11. Chris Hercules

12. Jacey Harper

13. Melville Nero

14. Sanchez Ross

15. Renny Quow

16. Jamil James

17. Jarrin Solomon


Athletes Officials
1. Semoy Hacket 1. Nadine Hamid – Coach
2. Ayanna Hutchinson 2. Kenny Bermudez - Coach
3. Keenan Gibson 3. Wade Franklyn - Coach
4. Romona Modeste

5. Josanne Lucas

6. Cherisse Bacchus

7. Sheron Mark

8. Cleopatra Borel-Brown

9. Annie Alexander

10. Candice Scott

11. Natoya Baird

12. Fana Ashby

13. Sasha Springer

14. Kerry Barrow

15. Sade St. Louis

16. Renee Clarke

17. Natalie Dixon

18. Dana Massiah

19. Nickeisha Charles

20. Melissa DeLeon


Athletes Officials
1. Kesma Benito 1. Melvin Thomas (Coach)
2. Nekeisha Blake 2. Tanya Western (Manager)
3. Darron Charles

4. Kerwyn Pantin

5. Arivil Plaza

6. Glendon Thomas

7. Lisa Umraw

8. Anil Seepaul


Athletes Officials
1. Alexi Alexander 1. Reynold Cox
2. Aaron Cumberbatch 2. Winston Cox
3. Andrew Fermin 3. Cecil Forde
4. Christopher de Freitas 4. Anthony Waterman
5. Aaron Hassette

6. Aaron Prince

7. Enoch Romeo

8. Denzil Salazar


Athletes Olympic Sprint Track Athletes Road Officials
1. Christopher Sellier 1. Roger Smart 1. Terence Chapman – Manager
2. Azi Kellar 2. Emile Abraham 2. Clinton Grant – Coach
3. Elisha Green 3. Roger Farrel 3. Junior Griffith - Mechanic
4. Colin Wilson 4. David Alves 4. Cyril Pollonais – Coach
5. Roger Smart 5. Guy Coster
6. Emile Abraham 6. Winzie Mohammed
7. Roger Farrel

8. Winzie Mohammed

9. Haseem Mc Clean

10. Marc Codrington


Athletes Officials
1. Kecia Jones 1. Joan Layne
2. Petal Derry (Goalkeeper) 2. Maureen Craig Rousseau
3. Nicole Aming 3. Ayanna Mc Clean
4. Summer Hector

5. Michelle Leotard

6. Stacey Sui Butt

7. Liselle Parris

8. Oire Trotman

9. Jenielle Carrington (Goalkeeper)

10. Alanna Lewis

11. Krizia Layne

12. Tonia-Marie James

13. Cristina Abreu

14. Curlyne Wynne

15. Patricia Borneo

16. Yesenia Lucas


Athletes Officials
1. Kwandwane Browne 1. Ian Carter
2. Wayne Legerton 2. Roger St. Rose
3. Damian Gordon 3. Albert Marcano
4. Darren Cowie 4. Donny Gobinsingh
5. Kirt Noreiga

6. Dwain WuanChan

7. Keil Murray

8. Akim Toussaint

9. Mickel Pierre

10. Nicholas Wren

11. Atiba Whittington

12. Glen Francis (Goalkeeper)

13. Andre Rocke ( Goalkeeper )

14. Christopher Scipio

15. Terrance Baptiste

16. Simon Craig

17. Nigel Providence

18. Sheldon Mc Kellar (Goalkeeper)


Athletes Officials
1. Kimberley Farah 1. Andy Cook
2. Clifford Parris 2. Mark Littrean
3. Caudius Trotman

4. Keron Bourne


Athletes Officials
1. Wendell Aguillera 1. Shanaz Baksh
2. Nataki Hypolite 2. Anthony Peters
3. Tamara Joseph 3. Wesley Shim
4. Miko Kalloo 4. Philip Mario Kalloo
5. Kwame Kinsale

6. Nicole Lambie

7. Brent Oliver

8. Brendon Strong


Athletes Officials
1. Robert J Auerbach – Skeet 1. Robert G Auerbach
2. Savita Beatrice 2. Lloyd Henry
3. Curtis Blunt

4. Marsha Bullen-Jones

5. Ian Cockburn

6. Roger Daniel

7. Jerry Goodridge

8. Ahloy Cecil Hunt

9. Jerry Joseph – Skeet

10. Aftab Khan

11. Trevor Lall – Trap

12. Sherwin Paul

13. Joseph Ramkissoon – Trap

14. Takoor Sankar

15. Paul Tobitt

16. Allen Trestrail – Trap


Athletes Officials
1. Justin Gomez 1. Catherine De Gannes
2. Rhea Khan

3. Tessa Martin

4. Joshua Pinard

5. Nakita Poon Kong

6. Colin Ramasra


Athletes Officials
1. George Bovell 1. George Bovell II
2. Nicholas Bovell 2. Anil Roberts
3. Shannon Duval 3. Mark Pouchet
4. Kimba Collymore 4. Erica Collymore
5. John Littlepage

6. Sharntelle Mc Lean

7. Anthony Schamber

8. Donna-Marie Wickham


Athletes Officials
1. Khaleel Asgarali 1. Selwyn Singh
2. Anthony Brown 2. Marcus Gustafson
3. Rheann Chung 3. Stephen Wade
4. Aleena Edwards 4. Jeromaine St. Louis
5. Astra Edwards

6. Dyanand Maharaj

7. Shelley Ann Parris

8. Dexter St. Louis


Athletes Officials
1. Cheryl Ann Sankar 1. Jin-Young Jung
2. Chinedum Osuji 2. Colin Mofford
3. Dorian Alexander

4. KevinKhan


Athletes Officials
1. Yolande Leacock

2. Olivia Bennett

3. Shenelle Mohammed

4. Shane Stone

5. Richard Brown

6. Michael Clarke

7. Troy Stone


Athletes Officials
1. Saleem Ali 1. Natasha Nunez
2. Kelvin Alleyne 2. David Camacho
3. Shervon Calliste 3. Gideon Dickson
4. Mark Daly 4. Arthur Robinson
5. Jessel Davis

6. Marc-Anthony Honoré

7. Ryan Mahadeo

8. Vaughn Martin

9. Sean-Miguel Morrison

10. Kevin Nimrod

11. Russel Peña

12. Nolan Tash


Athletes Officials
1. Andrea Davis – Female Beach 1. Daymian Stewart
2. Nancy Joseph – Female Beach

3. Kevin Edwards – Male Beach

4. David Thomas- Male Beach


Athletes Officials
1. Andrew Francis 1. Gordon Borde
2. Christian Flook 2. Pedro Haces
3. Christopher George 3. Charissa Hackshaw
4. Delano Otero

5. Gregory Joseph

6. Ian Welch-Phillip

7. James Robertson

8. Kester Scanterbury

9. Orion Ganage

10. Shane Gillette

11. Stephen Espinet

12. Stuart Gillette

13. Troy Gordon


Athletes Officials
1. Denise Ramsey Overall 1. Wade Franklyn

2. Geoff Laws


1. Shawn Marshall

2. Israel Dowlat

3. Ian Sharpe

4. Linda Tang Yew

5. June Durham

6. Anil Gopeesingh

7. Fayard Mohammed

8. Terry Ali

9. Richard Hoford

10. Karielle De Bique


Kwesi Diaz won the inaugural wheelchair race at the Sportsflex Olympic day relay run at the King George V Park yesterday.

The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC) annually celebrates the anniversary of the founding of the International Olympic Committee(IOC)which was first established on the 23rd June 1894.

The Trinidad leg of the event on the third Saturday in June starts the now traditional TTOC Olympic week programme which culminates with the Tobago Leg of the Olympic day Relay run on the fourth Saturday in June.

Previously held at the Brian Lara Promenade The TTOC moved the Trinidad leg to King George Park this year to facilitate the introduction of the cycle races for Kids ,over forty cyclist and the wheelchair race.

While The cycle races were canceled as there was only one entrant .The wheelchair race attracted five entrants.

Thirty-Five teams participated In the relay run.Lead Pack won the men's open division.While T&T Road Runners Club took the women's open division.

T&T Badminton Association took home the first prize in the TTOC affiliate men's division .In the women's division the T&T Hockey Board team took the honours

Penal Junior secondary took the honours in the secondary schools (MALE)category with Manzanilla High School romping home in the girls equivalent.

In the mixed category where the total age of the team must be one hundred and eighty years.T&T Road Runners Club emerged victorious.

Eleven of the TTOC's thirty-three affiliates participated in the day's activities.


The Tobago Leg OF The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC)Sport Flex Olympic Day relay Run will take place on Saturday (24 TH ) at the Market Square in Scarborough starting at 4pm.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) annually celebrates the founding of the IOC which was established on the 23rd June 1894.

The Tobago leg of the relay run ends a week of activities by the TTOC.The Trinidad leg which was held last week at the King George V park heralded the start of Olympic week.

The TTOC inaugurated the Tobago leg three years ago in partnership with sponsors SPORTFLEX and The Tobago House of Assembly(THA).

"We have had tremendous encouragement from both the THA and our sponsors .The response from the sporting fraternity in Tobago has encouraged us[TTOC] to make the Tobago leg a fixture on our [TTOC] calendar"said TTOC Assistant Secretary General Wendell LABASTIDE.


The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC) wishes to extend heartfelt congratulations to the Trinidad and Tobago football team for their brave performances to date at the FIFA World Cup in Germany.

Before the World Cup started there were dire predictions by pundits both local and foreign.

The soca warriors were carded to be the whipping boys .They were described as minnows a potential embarrassment.Cricket scores were anticipated.

Instead the soca warriors have earned the respect of the football world.They earned a point against Sweden and for eighty three minutes fought England to a standstill.

The Soca warriors have set a compelling example of the attributes required if Trinidad and Tobago as a nation is to achieve developed country status by 2020.

More importantly they are an inspiration to the youth of the nation.They are an example of the Olympic Ideals and values .They have played at the FIFA World Cup in Germany with total commitment,joy,pride,passion,team spirit and above all in the spirit of fair play. Well done Soca warriors .


Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee(TTOC) President Larry Romany speaking from Germany where he is supporting the T&T national football team said it is one of the treasured and very special moments in T&T's history.

With The Soca warriors historic appearance captivating the attention of T&T and the sporting world.

Romany is urging the nation to give sport it's due."This experience has provided unquestioned evidence as to the power of sport to unify, inspire and motivate".

"It is no secret that outside of celebrating victories.T&T can at times be very lukewarm when approached by sporting bodies for financial support"

The National Olympic chief said that Trinidad and Tobago has received a level of positive international exposure that is "unprecedented".

Romany who is also chairman of the T&T Professional football League(T&T PRO lEAGUE) is confident that not only football but sport in general will be able to build on the FIFA 2006 World Cup experience .

Pointing to the fact that T&T's rich sporting history that includes Rodney Wilkes ,Hasely Crawford ,Ato Boldon,Claude Noel,Leslie Stewart, Mcdonald Bailey,the 1979 T&T Netball team,Brian Lara,Stephen Ames,Darryl Brown,Roger Gibbon,Gene Samuel to name a few is tangible evidence of T&Ts inherent world class talent and ability.

"I am really hoping that Sport will finally be placed firmly in the heart and mind of the nation".

Romany highlighted that it is not only financial support that is required but (1) the education system needs to reflect the important role of sport and physical education.

(2)That representing T&T in sport should be considered National service by employers so that sports men and women will not have to choose the option to take no pay leave in some cases or holidays in others when selected on National teams.

(3)That Corporate T&T will understand that they cannot continue to wait until journey's end and reap the spoils of the sacrifices and labour of our coaches and athletes.But the sustainable development and preparation and competitive programmes must receive ongoing, assured and meaningul funding , sponsorship and value-in-kind support .

"There are many lessons not only with regard to sport and leadership but life to be learn't from T&Ts historic appearance at the 2006 FIFA World Cup. This can be a defining moment in our nation's history, a huge paradigm shift in our self esteem and sense of worth as a people" affirmed Romany.


A balance must be struck euphoria and hope must be replaced by realism and commonsense.We must channel emotions and expectations the preference for short-term fixes and short term gratification to a preference for long term planning and implementation.

False hope and misplaced optimism rather than realistic expectations lead to acrimony.

It was no miracle The Soca warriors performed well in Germany. They exceeded expectations in spite of the system not because of it.

Not for the first time the nation celebrated and rewarded sporting achievements.

Oft times it is more about style than substance as systemic issues remain unresolved .

Long on talk and short on action.There is a consistent lack of congruence between what is said and what is done .

As a nation we tend to worship our sportsmen and women until they fail and become pariahs.

The cost of sporting equipment is skyrocketing. Lack of funding red card many a talented young and promising athlete from fulfilling their sporting potential.

Meanwhile volunteer and well intentioned Sport Administrators struggle to cope with the governance, demands and expectations of the modern sport environment.

Many holiday makers headed out to Germany to support the soca warriors as many die hard football supporters could not afford to go to Germany.

The sporting fraternity have witnessed the euphoria and celebrations before but "The devil is in the details".

Ask Hasely Crawford,Claude Noel,Leslie Stewart,the 1979 T&T Netball team,Ato Boldon,Brian Lara,George Bovell,Darryl Brown,The 4 x 100 m relay team,Ian Morris,Gene Samuel,Rodney Wilkes,Gally Cummings to name a few .


For the fourth year in a row the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) is hosting a camp specifically for young athletes. This Trinidad & Tobago Olympic Academy (TTOA) activity takes place at the Athletes Lounge of the Hasely Crawford Stadium from Wednesday 2nd to Saturday 12th August, 2006.

"Olympism is the main theme of the 10-day period. The campers will have the opportunity to explore sport, culture, education and environment as pillars of olympism. At the closing ceremony on August 12th, we look forward to hearing from the young athletes how they are incorporating the Olympic Ideals of teamwork, striving for excellence, respect, joy found in effort and fairplay into their everyday lives - at school, on the field of play and at home," TTOA Director Brian Lewis said.

"The camp is designed to encourage and motivate participants to become Trinidad & Tobago's next Olympians. The focus is a holistic one, in keeping with the original Greek Gymnasium concept." explained Lewis. During the camp participants will be exposed to topics such as the Olympic Movement, Olympism, The Olympic Games, Sport and the Environment, Creative Writing, Ball Room Dancing, Exercise Physiology, Nutrition, Goal Setting, Conflict Transformation, Ethics, Etiquette & Media Training.

TTOC affiliates are invited to register two participants (12 and 16 years old, one male and one female) for the upcoming Olympic Youth Camp.

Registration forms can be requested by e-mail ( or through the camp directors - Ravi Lutchman (798-5976) and Tanya Western (735-3562).

All past participants who are interested in facilitating the 2006 camp are asked to contact the camp directors.


Athens Olympic bronze medalist George Bovell carried the T&T flag at the opening ceremony of the 20th Central American and Caribbean(CAC) Games in CARATEGNA, Colombia.


Shooter Roger Daniel won a bronze medal at the CAC Games currently under way in Cartagena,Colombia. It was the first medal for T&T at the 2006 edition of the CAC games.Daniel captured his medal in the 50 m air pistol event.

Meanwhile Archery's George Vires became the first local to compile 1300 points in a competition.

Archery results:

Day 1 16/07
Noella Chin compound Bow Female
70m 23rd Score
60m 22nd Score
320 NR
George Vire compound bow male
322 NR
90m 11th Score
70m 15th Score
335 NR
Colvin Chin Recurve bow male
90m 22nd Score
70m 20th Score
Day 2 17/07
Noella Chin compound bow female
50m 23rd Score
30m 19th Score

333 Total ranking round FITA = 1266 for 12th place Shot PR's in both distances today and overall total is a national record

Colvin Chin Recurve bow male
50m 20th Score
30m 22nd Score

316 Total ranking round FITA = 1148 for 21'st place

George Vire Compound bow male
22nd Score 315
30m 18th Score

348 Total ranking round FITA = 1320 for 21st place

George Vire has been promised a certificate by the PRESIDENT OF COPARCO for being the first person from T&T to recieve 1300+ points.


Sharntelle Mc Lean wins silver in the 50m butterfly in a time of 28.62 losing by 3/100ths of a second. Kimba Collymore finished 4th in the 100m breaststroke in a PR of 1.14.62.

Chef de Mission Ian Hypolite said the results was a great effort by the University of South Carolina based swimmer. "Sharntelle dug deep. It was close. Kimba also did well. The mood in the camp is good and we are looking forward to good things in the days ahead".


Trinidad and Tobago captured it's first Gold medal at the 20th edition of the CAC Games.

When ATHENS OLYMPICS BRONZE MEDALIST George Bovell won the 50m freestyle in 22.67. Bovell on the night also won a bronze in the 200m in 1.52.03 While younger brother Nicholas finished 8th in 1.56.05.

Bovell has struggled with various injuries since the Athens Olympics and is currently working his way back to full fitness as he prepares for the Beijing Olympics


Trinidad and Tobago claimed two more CAC bronze medals last night as swimmers Sharntelle Mc Clean (26.37) in the 50m freestyle and Nicholas Bovell in the 50m backstroke dug deep Mcclean to claim her second medal and Bovell(N) his first.

Meanwhile over in Santo Domingo the Trinidad and Tobago Mens Hockey Team crushed Dominican Republic 12/0.

In the first 2 minutes of the game Kwan Browne put the T & T team ahead from a Penalty corner This opened the flood gates and within 15 minutes the score was now 4 goals to nil with Browne scoring a hatrick and Nicholas Wren the other goal . The T & T team totally dominated the game against the inexperienced Dominican Republic and went in at half time 6 goals up.

On the resumption Trinidad and Tobago continued the barrage. Goal scorers Kwan Browne 3 Nicholos Wren 3 Attiba Whittington 3 Dwayne Quan Chan 2 Wayne Legerton 1

Today the Women's Hockey team take on Bermuda at 5.00 p.m.


Two more bronze medals - Sharntelle Mc Clean 26.37 in the 50m freestyle won by Vanessa Garcia of PUR in 25.29 and Nicholas Bovell in the 50m backstroke won by Nicholas Neckles in 26.44 a new Championship record. This after a mini tornado blew off part of the roof of the swimming complex and suspended swimming for a while. Littlepage was 8th in the 1500m free in 16.43.80. The men's 4 x 100m free relay team of Nicholas Bovell, Anthony Schamber, Johnny Littlepage and George bovell finished 7th in 3.34.66 race won by Venezuela in 3.22.58 a new Championship record.

Beach Volleyball

T&T recorded first win when men beat Guatemala 2-0 21-0 and 21-0. Women lost both games 0-2 to Dom Rep 12-21 and 11-21 and 0-2 to VEN 9-21 and 11-21.

No results obtained from santo domingo. If you got those let me know.

Results aside yesterday was a long day. Fed Ex closed because of Independence day so no pins. We'll have to make up for teams who left without pins. Men's volleyball came in last night at 9.00pm after delay in Bogota. All intact. Group of shooters visited fro Baranquilla. Archery leaves today, track and field arrives today. Apart from pins all is well. Off to check on pins bright and early today...Ian.