T&T is the "Land of Ca­lyp­so", the month of Oc­to­ber be­ing of­fi­cial­ly de­clared "Ca­lyp­so His­to­ry Month" in 2002.

MINISTER OF Sport and Youth Affairs Shamfa Cudjoe says, “Trinidadians need to understand the beauty of Trinidad and we need to work on that as a people and when we reach that level then we can look at Sport Tourism.”

Former quarterback’s stand is a reminder the injustice highlighted by raised fists 50 years ago has not gone away

Sports Min­is­ter Sham­fa Cud­joe yes­ter­day de­scribed as “rude” moves by Na­tion­al Gov­ern­ing Bod­ies (NG­Bs) which have been re­fus­ing to sub­mit on time their fi­nan­cials, bud­gets and sched­ules for ath­letes to be processed by the min­istry for re­gion­al qual­i­fiers and in­ter­na­tion­al games.