
Maravilla Room, Chaconia Inn, Maraval.


1. Opening Remarks - Brian Lewis (Secretary-General)

2. Performance Evaluation Process - Larry Romany (President)

3.a) Ranking of Games in the Quadrennial
b) Selection Criteria - TTOC's perspective
c) Structure - Athlete Preparation - Coaching, Fitness Training,Competition.

4. Paul Newallo - Director of Physical Education and Sport - Performance Expectations - Ministry of Sport Perspective.

5. Affiliate Feedback

Commonwealth Games- Melbourne 2006
a) Identification of Specific Performance Expectations

b) Identification of Performance Issues
e.g. i) Meeting athletes' expectations
ii) Preparation
iii) level of competitions
iv) athlete readiness.

c) Evaluation of preparation - Coaching readiness

re:Developmental - Programmes.

Selection and Timing.

12:30 - 1:15 - Lunch

1:15 - 2:00pm - Priority Action Plan

a) Short Term - CAC 2006

b) Rio 2007 - PAN AM

c) Beijing Qualification