Na­tion­al cy­clists Nicholas Paul, Njisane Phillip and Keron Bram­ble, work­ing back from that or­der, had all at the Velo­drome in Li­ma, Pe­ru hold­ing their breaths for 43.972 sec­onds on Thurs­day night.

T&T's Nicholas Paul, Njisane Phillip and Keron Bram­ble cap­tured the gold medal in the fi­nal of the Team men's sprint event at the Pan Amer­i­can Games in Li­ma, Pe­ru on Thurs­day night.

ROGER Daniel had a tough time in stage one of the men’s 25-metre rapid fire pistol qualification at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru, yesterday.

Michael Alexan­der is con­vinced that if he gets qual­i­ty spar­ring part­ners, any­thing is pos­si­ble come next year at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.